Announcements from meeting held Tuesday 19 September 2023, at SBFNC rooms
The SBJFC and SBFNC hereby unanimously and jointly announce we will have a full girls and women’s football program in 2024, with the following teams:
U 10’s
U 12’s
U 14’s
U 16’s
U 18’s (attached to the senior club)
Development and Senior Team
SBJFC Girls Football – Key Information
Girls and Womens club wide football launch - 30 October 2023
Our U14’s, U16’s and U18’s, from November 2023, will have a 6 week elite development program, spearheaded by VFLW player Nicki Cormack, along with other key figures. This will be open to any player considering SBJFC.
For 2024, U14’s, U16’s and U18’s will have no registration fee and will receive a FREE Merchandise Pack, consisting of socks, shorts, hoodie and personalised warm up top.
Our girls junior program will be in step with our senior program and focus on:
Skill Development
Game play
Fun and community
U14’s and U16’s will be training during the year at the senior ground with the U18’s, to help with their pathway through to Senior Women’s Premier Division EFNL Football.
Over the coming weeks, we will be announcing coaches, and have further detail on the club wide launch at 30 October for our girls and also our 6 week elite development program, kicking off in November
Excitingly, this is a one club approach (SBJFC & SBFNC) to our girls and women’s football programs, with a focus on the development of the girls and a strong pathway into Senior Women’s Premier Division EFNL Football.
For more detail or to register your interest, complete the form below or call/text out junior girls coordinators Simone Gilbert 0417 356 512 or
Robyn Benson 0413 140 489.
Yours in Red, White and Black,
Mark Rogerson
0400 702 100